Funkin Cocktails Turns to Beatson Clark for New Bottle

Published: 4th November 2022

FUNKIN COCKTAILS, the UK’s number one ready-to-drink cocktail brand, has turned to Beatson Clark as it aims to capture even more of the market. 

The brand is the latest to switch to a British designed and manufactured bottle, having previously used standard glass bottles imported from overseas. 

The new bottle is made of amber glass rather than white flint, which contains 60% recycled materials and which offers better protection from ultraviolet light than clear glass. 

Ben Anderson, Marketing Director at FUNKIN COCKTAILS, said the new bespoke bottle will help to premiumise the brand, while sourcing from a UK manufacturer will ensure its supply chain is robust whilst reducing its carbon footprint. 

“We were one of the first to market with a premium, bar-quality cocktail that was ideal for consumers to share whilst catching up with friends and family at home,” said Ben. 

“After winning numerous industry standard awards, the next step is to premiumise the packaging and ensure the brand is still front of mind for cocktail consumers. With the help of Beatson Clark we’ve now got an iconic bottle with its own unique silhouette. 

“We’re very much a challenger brand to the established spirit brands out there, but we’re making serious headway in the world of ready-to-drink cocktails – we’re now the number one brand in the UK and we’ve got eyes on further growth.” 

FUNKIN COCKTAILS developed its ready-to-drink cocktails and then approached Beatson Clark to design a bespoke bottle following a recommendation.  

Beatson Clark’s in-house design team worked with FUNKIN COCKTAILS and developed the company’s initial ideas about the bottle design – a service which Ben says was invaluable. 

“We looked at what was out there in the premium spirit market and we wanted a sleek design which would look good in the fridge at home,” said Ben.  

“Working hand in hand, Beatson Clark guided us through the process, identifying the key design points from our initial idea and then designed a bottle suitable for the production line which was still representative of our brand.” 

Working with Beatson Clark has been a very positive experience, according to Ben. 

“It’s been fantastic,” he said. “The team at Beatson Clark is very professional and has plenty of experience handling glass; as this was a completely new project for us, that was extremely helpful.  

“Beatson Clark is a very innovative company, and their input on the design was key for this project. They have supported us since the design stage and they’ve always been responsive and helpful across the project.”  

Lynn Sidebottom, Sales and Marketing Director at Beatson Clark, added: “We are seeing more and more customers coming to us who were previously buying their glass packaging from overseas. 

“Sustainability and reliability in supply lines is increasingly important these days; if you buy British you support British manufacturing, you get a high-quality product, you minimise risk and you lower your impact on the environment. 

“We’re delighted to be working with FUNKIN COCKTAILS and look forward to working with more businesses in the spirit sector in the future.”