Energy Regulator Pays Visit to Beatson Clark

Energy Regulator Pays Visit to Beatson Clark

Published: 21st June 2024

In April we were pleased to welcome Mark McAllister, the Chair of the energy regulator Ofgem, along with British Glass, on a visit to our glassworks in Rotherham.

Appointed to the position last year, Mark’s role is to work with the Government to build a more secure and affordable energy system for the UK in the future. It was a pleasure to show Mark first-hand what is involved in the glass manufacturing process. It gave us the opportunity to discuss in-depth the barriers to decarbonising the glass industry and the potential solutions to overcome them. 

British Glass arranged the visit to help the regulator fully understand the challenges faced by the glass manufacturing sector as we move towards a net-zero industry. It is important to continue to have these conversations with members of the energy industry and the Government alike, so we can make realistic progress towards decarbonisation goals.
